Fitting Guide
Read the tips below and then follow the instructions carefully to get the best results!
*Can be worn with or without socks*
Tip 1. Correct placement of the small tab on the shoe sole:

Tip 2. Avoid worn areas on the shoe sole:

Tip: Best position is on the opposite side of worn area
Tip 3. Avoid fitting over sharp grooves:

Tip 4. If needed, bend the stem to fit strap inside the shoe:

1. Find the best spot for fitting
- Before removing the blue backing liner on the strap, use the infographics above to select the optimal spot to fit the small tab on the sole of the shoe. With the blue liner still on the strap, position the strap on the shoe to ensure the spot you have selected matches the images above.
- For maximum durability, check an old pair of shoes and avoid parts of the sole that tend to get worn down the most. The best spot is usually near the arch of the sole.
2. Small tab on the sole
- Before you start, ensure that all surfaces of the shoe are clean and dry (free from dust, dirt etc) then wipe the spot thoroughly with the prep swab provided.
- Peel back the blue liner on the strap and stick the smaller tab on the prepared spot on the sole of your shoe.
- Once in position, hold in place with firm pressure for 2 mins making sure to dig the strap into the grooves of the sole.
- Tip: You can use a flat tool to help dig the strap right in the grooves with good pressure. A complete seal is the aim.
3. Main stem & large tab
- Now run the stem section up the wall of the shoe, pressing firmly to get good adhesion.
- Keep going on the inside wall of the shoe, maintaining firm pressure, right into the bottom corner on the inside of the shoe.
- Give the whole strap a nice press with your fingers to make sure it is firmly fitted and if possible, wait 24 hours before use to ensure the adhesive has cured perfectly.
IMPORTANT Only secure this section of the small tab under the shoe sole to ensure maximum durability.